For peace in Europe and World

Lithuanian University Women'sAssociation (LUWA)

invites Lithuanian and world women tounite, show solidarity and support Ukrainian women, mothers, sisters and theirfamilies.

We, who have lived in aRussian-occupied country for many years, know what freedom means, the peace forwhich Ukrainians are now sacrificing their lives. We support their bravery tothe best of our ability. Let us understand that they are not only defending thefreedom of Ukraine, they are defending Europe from a barbarian invasion. Wewish Ukraine endurance, hope and great success in the fight against barbaricRussia. We,

Let us announce to the world theconsequences of Russia's aggression and call for peace.

Let us watch for the preservation ofpeace in Europe,

in the world!

Lithuanian women, are and will be together!

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